عالم جلاكسي
عالم جلاكسي
عالم جلاكسي
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  Wide Awake Lyrics by Katy Perrye

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
لٍمّ تتِرڪ مَسآحہِ للتَعبيرٍ ♥
لٍمّ تتِرڪ مَسآحہِ للتَعبيرٍ ♥

  Wide Awake Lyrics by Katy Perrye 07181116074897vy5pg
مشآرگاتيْ : 3142
fashen : 4635
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/07/2010
العمر : 28
الموقع : سسسمَـَـَآء ثَـَـَـَآمـَـَنــہ→ ♥

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مُساهمةموضوع: Wide Awake Lyrics by Katy Perrye     Wide Awake Lyrics by Katy Perrye Emptyالخميس نوفمبر 29, 2012 1:47 pm

  Wide Awake Lyrics by Katy Perrye KatyPerry

I'm wide awake
I'm wide awake

I'm wide awake
Yeah, I was in the dark
I was falling hard
With an open heart
I'm wide awake
How did I read the stars so wrong?
I'm wide awake
And now it's clear to me
That everything you see
Ain't always what it seems
I'm wide awake
Yeah, I was dreaming for so long

I wish I knew then
What I know now
Wouldn't dive in
Wouldn't bow down
Gravity hurts
You made it so sweet
'Til I woke up on
On the concrete

Falling from cloud 9
Crashing from the high
I'm letting go tonight
Yeah, I'm falling from cloud 9

I'm wide awake
Not losing any sleep
I picked up every piece
And landed on my feet
I'm wide awake
Need nothing to complete myself, no

I'm wide awake
Yeah, I am born again
Outta the lion's den
I don't have to pretend
And it's too late
The story's over now, the end

I wish I knew then
What I know now
Wouldn't dive in
Wouldn't bow down
Gravity hurts
You made it so sweet
'Til I woke up on
On the concrete

Falling from cloud 9 (it was out of the blue)
I'm crashing from the high
I'm letting go tonight (yeah, I'm letting you go)
I'm falling from cloud 9

I'm wide awake
Thunder rumbling
Castles crumbling
I'm wide awake
I am trying to hold on
I'm wide awake
God knows that I tried
Seeing the bright side
I'm wide awake
But I'm not blind anymore...

I'm wide awake
I'm wide awake

Yeah, I'm falling from cloud 9 (it was out of the blue)
I'm crashing from the high
You know I'm letting go tonight (yeah, I'm letting you go)
I'm falling from cloud 9

I'm wide awake
I'm wide awake
I'm wide awake
I'm wide awake
I'm wide awake

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Wide Awake Lyrics by Katy Perrye
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